مسؤول وحدة التعليم الالكتروني  الاستاذ المساعد الدكتوره

Hadeel Tariq Ibrahim Al-Rayes

Computer Sc. Assoc. Prof



Research Gate     URL: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/ Hadeel_Ibrahim3/

Google Scholar URL: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Mkl2fz8AAAAJ&hl=en

Linked In URL: https:// www.linkedin.com/in/hadeel-tariq-ba620870/

EDUCATION – PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering/ Software Engineering.

Turkey-Istanbul – Altinbas Univ.,2018 –

MSc in Information Technology. Iraqi Committee for computers and Informatic. Informatic Institute for Postgraduate Studies. Iraq, Baghdad, 2004 – Bachelor of Computer Science, Baghdad Univ., Iraq, Baghdad, 1992.

YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 27 years Teaching fields

 Software Engineering  Heuristic Optimization  Data Mining  Artificial Intelligence  Algorithms  Machine Learning  MS Office Word (2000-2016)  MS Office Access (2000-2016)  MS Office Excel (2000-2016)  Data Structures  System Analysis  Computer Graphics  Operating Systems  Database  Supervising graduating student’s projects

Previous positions
 Ph.D. student at Ozyeign Univ-Istanbul from 9/2013-9/2015, Altinbas univ-Istanbul from 9/2015-5/2018.  Head of Computer Sc. Dept. in Basic Education Col./ Diyala Univ. from 19/10/2011 to 1/8/2013.  IT manager from 15/11/2008 to 1/10/2009 in Orbit Geological Consultancy, UAE, Abu Dhabi.

 Lecturer at Computer Sc. Dept. in Basic Education Col. ./ Diyala Univ. from 1/9/2004 -15/11/2008 and 1/10/2009 -19/10/2011.  System analyst from 7/2000-9/2002 at Computer Sc. Dept. in Basic Education Col. ./ Diyala Univ.  Libya, Al-Baydaa, Computer sc. Teacher, 1995-1999  Programmer at Ba’aquba Technical Inst., 1992-1994

Publications .

Optical onboard double decoding/forward performance with long codes for optical routing WJ Mazher, HT Ibrahim, YM Mathboob, ON Ucan, Optical Engineering 58 (2), 027106

2. Ibrahim, H. T., Mazher, W. J., Ucan, O. N., & Bayat, O. (2018). A grasshopper optimizer approach for feature selection and optimizing SVM parameters utilizing real biomedical data sets. Neural Computing and Applications, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3414-4 (SCI)

3. Mazher, W. J., Ibrahim, H. T., Ucan, O. N., & Bayat, O. (2018). Drone swarm with free-space optical communication to detect and make deep decisions about physical problems for area surveillance. Opt. Eng. 57(3), 036116 (2018), doi: 10.1117/1.OE.57.3.036116. (SCI)

4. Ibrahim, H. T., Mazher, W. J., Ucan, O. N., & Bayat, O. (2017). Feature Selection using Salp Swarm Algorithm for Real Biomedical Datasets. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 17(12), 13–20. (ESCI)

5. Studying the main differences between Windows XP & Windows Vista, Al-Fatih Journal, Diala Univ,1/11/2007. 6. (Introducing Windows Vista Security),Al-Fatih Journal, Diala Univ. 15/8/2007.

7. Evaluating Internet as Educational Technology and suggestions to develop it – A study its field Arithmetic & Computer Sc. Students, Diala Journal, Diala Univ, 2006.

8. Studying Main Differences Between Linux &Windows Operating Systems, International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:12 No:04, 2012.

9. Studying Main Differences between Android & Linux Operating Systems, International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:12 No:05, 2012.

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